The Why of it All

It has been a long time people. A long time since I have sat down in front of this daunting, empty white page with the idea that somewhere in the depths of my fuzzy brain, I might have something to say.

If you don't know me, I used to write a blog. (Yeah, I was one of those people.) I wrote about being a mommy and about the state of the world, but most of all, I wrote about my experiences in the martial arts. A whole lot of experiences. I wrote about what it was like to roll around on sweaty mats with a bunch of men who were constantly sitting on me and trying to choke me. (It's called jiu-jitsu, people, stop it!) I wrote about what it was like to teach karate to very, very small children. I mean very small. I mean sometimes they chew on their uniform and pee on the floor, small. I wrote about running a dojo, and getting smashed in BJJ tournaments, and the daily brutal grind (and joy, pure joy!) of martial arts training.

I still have an awful lot to say about all that.

But maybe now is not the time.

Don't worry, I am not going to talk about coronavirus. You already know that story. All I will say, is it is not exactly the one you are reading on your news feed.

But the thing is, it is kinda ugly here in NYC right now. I know, I know, everyone claps and cheers from their windows every night at 7pm and that is really incredible. But at least once a day I daydream about just getting in my car and hitting the highway. I am not sure where I plan on driving to, but in my imagination it is pretty, and green, and near the water, and has really good coffee.

So I say this city, the one where I have lived my entire life, is ugly. But I am beginning to suspect that I have just forgotten how to look. I am beginning to suspect that it is not that NYC has lost its beauty, it is only that I am no longer bothering to notice it.

So that is where this empty page comes in. It is time to open my eyes again. Not for cliched beauty like sunsets and rainbows. Not even for the goodness of humanity, although there is plenty of that to be found nowadays. No, I am talking about simple, unique NYC beauty. The kind of stuff you only notice if you are really, really looking. Reflections in windows. Funny shaped leaves. Weird graffiti. The vast empty space between skyline and clouds.

Have you ever noticed how many different colors the sidewalk is?

Okay, you get it.

So if that kind of thing sounds appealing to you, feel free to check back here from time to time. I will try to tell you some stories you might not have heard yet. I can't promise they will be any good. (I am very out of practice). But they will be from a place of joy.

My hope is that they will bring you some as well.

See you soon.


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